This page is aimed at current and aspiring Lido node operators. Find out about the application process to join the Lido validator set and how the Lido Node Operator Subgovernance Group (LNOSG) aims to maintain decentralization of the leading liquid staking protocol in the crypto ecosystem. Learn more about Lido here.
<aside> 💧 The LNOSG is periodically running application processes to evaluate and recommend new node operators to onboard to the Lido DAO. This happens when Lido is expanding to a new network, or when the LNOSG decides that the traction of Lido on a network allows further node operators to join the set with the aim to balance node operator profitability, decentralization, and overall security of Lido's liquid staking solutions.
Check the following table to find out about currently active applications:
This subgovernance group consists of one representative member of each onboarded node operator organization. The LNOSG infrequently gathers to evaluate applications for new onboarding waves to recommend to the Lido DAO.
In the near future, we aim to hire a candidate that will work directly for the DAO and manage all node operator relations, as well as the activities of the this subgovernance group. We will list this job here as soon as the position is available.